SIAM's Railway Simulations

(Last updated 19 March 2012)

Railway-based Games for your PC

Experience the challenge of railway operation in the comfort of your own home. If you have a PC you can enjoy these absorbing games.

Signal Box and Driver simulations require DOS graphics capability. For all our simulations except those under the Windows heading, we recommend the use of software such as DOSBox that provides full DOS applications support. Please try one of our free samples first to be sure you are happy with the results on your PC.

Based on extensive research, these games give the genuine flavour of the problems and challenges of running a railway. Authentic track plans, motive power and schedules for the location and period are used, in some cases with additional workings to add interest. To avoid any possible disappointment, please note that these are not "arcade" games, but realistic simulations. Graphic screen modes are not used in most cases, and the emphasis is on providing you with sufficient information to make the right decisions.

Games are constantly being added to our range: watch this site for details!


Unless otherwise stated, all simulations have mouse support.

Difficulty levels - An indication of the difficulty of each game is provided, graded from # to ###### in increasing order of difficulty.

These ratings are of course subjective, but we hope they will be helpful. In general, we do not recommend games marked ### or higher until you have tried something simpler first, but of course the choice is yours.

Please note that for your convenience and ours, it is our normal practice to fit all programs for one order on to as few disks as possible. This simplifies the use of the supplied MENU program. If you want programs supplied on separate disks, for example to give as presents, please ask.

In the case of a significant error in any program, an upgrade to the latest version is available free of charge on request, provided that the error is described in sufficient detail for us to identify and correct it, and the serial number of the original disk is stated. To cover our costs, any request for an upgrade simply to obtain new features is charged at £4 per program inclusive of VAT etc., and again the serial number of the original disk must be given. It is NOT necessary to return the original disks. In response to a number of enquiries, we will also provide "upgrades" from ST or Amiga to PC, at the same price of £4 per program.


Many of these games are based on ideas developed by R Pritchard and Dr D Stannard, to whom we are indebted for permission to publish PC versions.

For our full price list in PDF format, including the date of the latest version of each simulation, and any significant updates, please click here.

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